Contact Us

For questions regarding the Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association please contact us by

[email protected]

By Phone:
(615) 669-0524

By Text (TNOTA now offers texting as a method of communication!)
(615) 669-0524

By Mail:
P.O. Box 90127
Nashville, TN 37209

FYI: TNOTA is not the Tennessee Occupational Therapy Licensing Board. For specific questions regarding licensure requirements or licensure renewal, please refer to The Occupational Therapy Licensing Board Website.

If you are interested in Advertising or Posting Open OT/OTA Positions at your company, please fill out the respective forms below.

If you would like to advertise with TNOTA please fill out the attached form.

Advertise with TNOTA

If you would like to recruit TNOTA members for your organization's available positions, please click on the link below. Your available positions will be advertised to TNOTA members only.

Post a Position