TNOTA FAQ 1. How can I become a member of TNOTA? To become a TNOTA member, visit and click the “Join TNOTA” tab under the Membership Center banner, or follow this link.
2. How much does TNOTA membership cost? Annual dues are as follows:
3. What are the benefits to TNOTA membership?
4. How can my business/organization become members of TNOTA? TNOTA memberships are limited to individuals (OT practitioners, students, retired members). Businesses and Organizations may sponsor TNOTA events and advertise with TNOTA.
5. How can I advertise for my business or product on TNOTA’s website? TNOTA welcomes organizations and individuals who would like to advertise on our website. In addition to advertising, we also post information about upcoming events, products or services you offer to Tennessee OT practitioners via email and social media. All advertisement postings must be approved by TNOTA. You can request an advertisement by completing our advertisement form. You may also choose to Sponsor a TNOTA event.
6. Can I advertise an OT/OTA job on the TNOTA website? TNOTA welcomes organizations that would like to advertise job openings to our members. Job postings will be available to members only. If you are interested in posting your available position(s), please read below for guidelines. You can submit your request for a job posting by visiting PROCEDURES FOR WEBSITE JOB POSTING
7. I am offering a continuing education course that I want TNOTA to approve. Can TNOTA do that? The Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association launched its Approved Provider Program in August 2021. See more details on our Approved Provider Program page. Additionally, continuing education courses that are designated as approved by AOTA, or by another state’s OT association, fit the requirements for approval in Tennessee. If you would like to partner with TNOTA to host a course, please email us at [email protected]. TNOTA is an approved provider of continuing education by the TN Board of Occupational Therapy.
8. How can I volunteer with TNOTA? TNOTA relies on volunteers to carry out our mission in the state of Tennessee. TNOTA has a number of volunteer positions available, including the following: conference committee, advocacy committee, newsletter committee, scholarship committee, and student involvement committee. To get involved, please contact [email protected]. We also regularly host volunteer activities within each district. Please see the event calendar for upcoming volunteer events.
9. How do I register for TNOTA conference? A conference registration link will be posted on TNOTA’s home page and emailed to membership approximately 3-4 months before the date of the conference. Please watch your email and check the TNOTA home page for a registration link. Save the date information for future conferences is posted as soon as TNOTA secures a conference venue.
10. How can I present or share a poster at conference? TNOTA will post a call for papers and presentations on its home page and via email approximately 5 months prior to conference. Presentations and posters are subject to approval by the conference committee.
11. How can I set up a booth for a product or business at conference? TNOTA welcomes event sponsors and exhibitors at our conferences! A link to our exhibitor form will be sent to membership 3-4 months before the date of the conference. It will also be posted on our website. If you would like additional information on exhibiting at TNOTA conference or sponsoring TNOTA events, visit our Exhibitor & Sponsorship page.
12. How can I register for a PAMs course? Information on PAMs courses is emailed to membership and posted on the TNOTA website calendar. Search the TNOTA calendar using the keyword “PAMs” and click the event link to register.
13. How can I find a TNOTA Ethics and Jurisprudence or Suicide Prevention course? Information on TNOTA-sponsored Ethics and Jurisprudence courses, as well as suicide prevention courses, is emailed to membership and posted on the TNOTA website calendar. Search the TNOTA calendar and click the event link to register. Recorded Ethics & Jurisprudence courses are hosted by TNOTA Partner, Aspire OT. Log in to access FREE Ethics & Jurisprudence courses (for TNOTA members) by following the link on our Continuing Education page. Additionally, TNOTA regularly updates our list of upcoming suicide prevention courses on our calendar as well as our Suicide Prevention page.
15. How can I send my research/survey to TNOTA members to recruit participants? TNOTA members: As a member benefit, TNOTA has created a page to support ongoing efforts to further our profession by students, educators, and clinicians. You can visit the page by clicking here. If you are a TNOTA member, you can fill out the research request form found on our research page and send the completed form to [email protected] for approval and posting. Non-TNOTA members: Please feel free to post research and survey requests on TNOTA’s Facebook page. With the large amount of requests we receive from students for research, we cannot forward them to all members.